Minggu, 03 November 2013

Example of Inquiry Letter

Example of Inquiry Letter,

Letter Head
20 October 2013
Jane Smith, Executive Director
Xavier Foundation
555 S. Smith St.
Washington, D.C. 22222
Dear Ms. Smith,
When we attended the International Electronics Trade Fair in London last month, we visited your stand and saw a very interesting demonstration of your automatic high-security garage doors. The ability to drive straight in and out of your garage from the comfort of your car, as well as your emphasis on theft protection appealed to us. We believe that there is a ready market for this in the United States.
Our company is a wholly owned subsidiary of the international Zetax Corporation, well-known in the security and theft prevention industry.
Would you please send us your current sales literature and price list? Of course, we will be glad to provide the usual credit and trade reverences if we decide to order from your company.
Marketing Director


Kepala Surat
20 October 2013
Jane Smith, Executive Director
Xavier Foundation
555 S. Smith St.
Washington, D.C. 22222
Yth. Ms. Smith,
       Ketika kami menghadiri International Electronics Trade Fair di London pada bulan yang lalu, kami mengunjungi stand anda dan kami sangat tertarik dengan demonstrasi anda tentang automatic high-security garage doors. Kemampuannya mengendalikan langsung pintu garasi anda untuk kenyamanan keluar masuk mobil anda, seperti halnya penekanan anda pada perlindungan pencurian yang tertarik kepada kami. Kami percaya bahwa suatu pasar siap untuk ini di United States.
        Perusahaan kami secara keseluruhan memiliki cabang internasional Zetax Corporation, terkenal dalam keamanan dan industri pencegahan pencurian.
       Akankah anda mengirimkan kami daftar harga dan literatur biaya ini? Tentu saja, kami sangat senang untuk menyediakan kredit yang umum dan suatu penghormatan pada pelanggan jika kami memutuskan untuk memesan dari perusahaan anda.
Hormat kami
Direktur Pemasaran

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