Jumat, 06 Desember 2013


Fly, fly with a dream,,
Reach wonderful future,,
Do not ever expect the world,,
but be the hope of the world,,

Hover shared ideals,,
Walk with success in the can,,
Run with hope,,
Do not stop though tired,,

It's all in your hands,,
only you can,,
that you specify all your life ..

Dream was your world,,
ceriakanlah heart,,
never give up,,
you can always rest assured,,
be what you expect an,,

The world is in your grasp,,
do not you take off though,,
eratkanlah hand, reinforced cengkramanmu,,
hold all desired separti,,

Think in your soul,,
all are in your hand,
strengthen your heart,,
waged fire discouraged,,
masamu enjoy is in your grasp

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