Assigment For English Business 1
I. Business
English Letter
Before writing a business letter should we have to know first the
sense of the letter. Letter is a communication that is used to convey
information in writing by one party to the other party. In addition we also
have to understand the structure of business letter writing, therefore I'm
going to make an example the Parts of business letter writing, as
1. Letter
head or so-called letter head, this position is located at the top of the
letter containing the company name, phone number, email, and company logo. At
the head of this letter is useful to facilitate the recipient knows the
identity of the sender of the letter.
2. Date
Date on the letter is useful to know when the letter was made, the date is
usually located on the upper right, but some are put at the top left. At this
date, there are two styles of writing, the British style and American style.
Types of English letter:
· British style:
the same writing style as on Indonesia, which begins on the date, month and
Example: British style format
17th december 2012, the british
also be in wrote by adding the suffix numbers rise as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
· American style: Style in American style of writing is
different from the British style, as written starting from writing month, date
and year.
American style format
december 17, 2012.
3. Inside Address
Inside address or the address is usually
called, is located at the upper left. In this section useful to write the
address to the recipient.
4. References
Used as archiving or documentation letter sent
or received. Usually the posts are underlined.
Example: Your Ref:
YTS/C7, Our Ref: Con/11/7
is usually written after writing inside address and before the subject.
5. Subject
Subject commonly called the subject, which
shows what the contents of the letter. On business letters, usually placed
under the inside address.
British style: subject
written under the Salutation.
American style:
Salutation written on the subject.
6. Salutation
Salutation or greeting is
commonly called, is located at the top position before writing the letter,
Salutation is useful to write the name of the person or agency name we want to
send the letter, but if the recipient is unknown gender, we write salutation
with "Dear Dear Sir or Madam ".
Examples of writing :
· British style: Dear Sir / Dear Sirs, Dear
Madam / Madam.
American style: Gentlemen,
Ladies, To whom it may concern
7. Body Of The Letter
Body of the letter or the
letter is commonly called, is located after the opening greeting, the contents
of this letter contains the core of the letter, so that contents of this
letter should be clear that the subject of the letter recipients can understand
the contents of the letter that we wrote.
8. Complementary Close
Complementary close or
commonly called closing greeting, in this section is located after the body of
the letter. In writing this letter, it can be seen an example of complementary
close as follows:
For example:
· American style: Sir, Madam,
Gentlemen, Your Obedient Servant, Sincerely Yours.
· British style: Dear Madam, Dear
Sirs, Dear Mr, Dear Miss, Dear Mrs., Mr. David.Yours Sincerely, Sincerely, With
Best Wishes.
9. Signature
In part this is a
signature of the sender of the letter, written after the signature is
complementary close and located at the bottom right, in addition to containing
the sender's signature, the signature must be followed by the full name of the
10. Enclosure
or common called attachment is located at the lower left, this attachment is
used if we include additional documents sent with the letter we sent.
example if I want to send the results of a company and it usually is in the
11. P.S (Postscript)
It is advisable to avoid postscript on business english letter and aims to find out who makes the letter, the postscript is located on the bottom left of the letter.
12. Carbon Copy Notation
Carbon copy notation or commonly called a copy, which is located in the lower left corner is a copy of the letter, which aims letter was written if there is a third party involved who need to know the contents of the letter.
Writing sample.
cc: Manager.
cc: Director.
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