Jumat, 06 Desember 2013


Starting dri a feeling that I 'm sure , can be preserved forever ..My fond memories of carving bgtu bnyak , which until this moment always comes ..I smiled to occasionally , and was silent for a few moments ..My drops back tears , and fond memories of that vanished fikiranku dri ..I always wished " every open my eyes , all that will be lost and will present happiness that is waiting for me " ..BUT , yaaaah ... it was hope ..
Right now I'm full of solitude , one after the other has been far and away from me ..I tried to get out of all this and want to bury it deep .. but , one thing I do not want to waste that " no one ever comes and fills the hearts * with bermacam2 feeling I had inside dlmnya and orng it never won the hearts of the effort and effort that beautiful .. "may skrg wktunya , I desist my everything and leave everything ..and if one day I meet , I can smile and say hello " Hi or Apakabar " perhaps all the more beautiful ..whatever happened yesterday , today , and tomorrow I 'm sure there's a wonderful plan for my reply from him ...

Your Appointment

You used to promise me
to always be at my side
good times and bad.

You used benrjanji to me
to always keep my
in the heat of day and the dark of night

Now it's all just a promise
no longer can you prove

that afternoon
I see you smiling at me
my heart happy

Turns out it was your last smile for me
smile I can not forget

that morning
I open my phone
I read the incoming sms in my mobile phone

Turns out it was just a message that makes me very sad
until you left me for good
Where else do I find someone like you right
who always love and accept me??

I want you back in my life
I miss you
I want to be with you
I want kamuuu

O Allah give me patience and keiklhasan transform and accept this reality
that he was dead ..


More and live my life
always be with you my friend
hard that I felt sad happy
with you my friend

so many memories that we've been through
to the portion that we always shared sense
but destroyed by a flash
has been snatched by the unexpected death

now you have to leave me
leave all our memories
concluded a tear
which fell on my cheek

even though we're not together now
even though we have different life
but we remain one in heart and love
because you're my true friend

Goodbye my friend
My good friend farewell
love you're always one in my heart
forever .........


Voices noisy
Noisy and rowdy
It has been many years
It was our natural

In the past they did not know anything
Can now be read
In the past they did not know anything
Now have advanced math
How happy
My heart is his sense

Truly Unforgettable
It was not neglected
And her sense of pleasure remembering this
Decorate this life

Happy it's not just one
Happy it's not just temporary
Happy it more valuable
And more valuable seeing other people happy

Your Smile

The smile was oh my friend
Because it's beautiful smile
With your smile,
This heart will feel cool

We better together smiling
relieve existing moody
Glum like termpurung
Smile like serenity

with so
For what we are moody ..?
better we rejoice
forget about the problems that exist

A smile will make you happy
Make you healthier
Fresh ...
and ease the burden of existing ...


you may hate me , but I'm only human ....I was just able to love not intend manyakiti ....honestly ...I love it ...TPI , I did not mean to take it from you ....I always hold my feelings ...even though sometimes the taste is too strong ... you try to understand ...I want it all back better ...whether we like the same person , we just destroyed this way ..? ? ?if I'm wrong like that? ? ? ?I also have eyes , which could see the shapely figure ...I also want to be close to him ...apkah it wrong ? ? ?I always try to ignore it all , but the more days ....I miss you more and more friends ...I will always remember our memories ...maybe I could just menguntaikan word " SORRY " ...only god can forgive his people are guilty , if his people can not forgive others ...I do all this , because I sadr you do not talk and looked at me again ...I want you to know , I will always be there for you ...even if you never accept the presence of myself ....yesterday ..... now ...... or the day after ....I will smile to you when we met ...I will behave as if there was nothing ...even if all of that behind me kept mengguncing me , this happened ...maybe this is punishment for my all , my love for the mistake ....


Fly, fly with a dream,,
Reach wonderful future,,
Do not ever expect the world,,
but be the hope of the world,,

Hover shared ideals,,
Walk with success in the can,,
Run with hope,,
Do not stop though tired,,

It's all in your hands,,
only you can,,
that you specify all your life ..

Dream was your world,,
ceriakanlah heart,,
never give up,,
you can always rest assured,,
be what you expect an,,

The world is in your grasp,,
do not you take off though,,
eratkanlah hand, reinforced cengkramanmu,,
hold all desired separti,,

Think in your soul,,
all are in your hand,
strengthen your heart,,
waged fire discouraged,,
masamu enjoy is in your grasp

Minggu, 03 November 2013



More and live my life
always with you my friend
hard sad that I feel happy
with you my friend

so many memories that we've been through
to the portion that we always shared sense
but destroyed by a flash
have been snatched by an unexpected death

now you have left me
leave all our memories
concluded a tear
which fell on my cheek

even though we're not together now
even though we have different life
but we keep one in your heart and love
because you're my true friend

Goodbye my friend
goodbye my true friends
love you're always one in my heart

forever .........



Love ..
Can be interpreting dreams
Running around chasing memory
Sacred ties binding you
Burn meaningful life

Love ..
Dream toys only night passed away
When dawn menghulur reality
Menghurai meaning in the heart room
Accompany yourself crying lonely

Love ..
The bond of love which for so long
Increasingly faded in mamah age
Cold obvious love
Myself back when his grief
Because you play the word
Pick me Crawling into the real world
The term a latent love

Love ..
Conscience forced me
Chaining a soul full of doubt
Build up in the walls of lonely hearts
Mendekapi miss playing poetry
Revealing the faithful in the window promises
A love certainty should diukiri

Latent meaning of love .....

Example of Memo

Example of Memo,

Memo is a short message written by a superior to a subordinate. There was no significant difference in the shape and format of writing the memo in English. Here's an example.


To         : All employees
From     : Ronny S.H.
               Director, Personel

Date      : May 23, 2013
Subject  : Charitable Leave

       The corporation is pleased to announce a new policy which will allow employees to take paid time off for volunteer activities. Employees may take up to eight hours of paid leave per month to volunteer for charity organizations. Employees are eligible for this programs if they are full-time and have been employed here for at least one year. Charitable leave must be requested in advance; otherwise, employees will not be paid for that time. Charitable leave must also be approved by the employee's supervisor.

Example of Application Letter

Bekasi, November 3, 2013

Attention To:
Mr. Imantoro
Human Resources Department
PT. Persada Bumida Terpadu
Jl. Raya Sukamaju No. 11

Dear Sir,
On this good opportunity, I would like to apply as a Instrumentation and Control System Engineer in your company. My name is Anggraini, 22 years old, female, single, energetic and healthy. I am a Control System Engineer and graduated from Gunadarma University on May 2012 with GPA 3.78. I would like to have career to expand my experience.
My personality as a hard worker and fast learner type of person would bring benefit to your company. I will be very appreciated if you could give in opportunity to work in your company.
Herewith I enclose my curriculum vitae, which will give details of my qualification.
I hope my qualifications and experience merit your consideration and look forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours,

Phone : 021 - 5758243
Jl. Melati No.23

Bekasi - 17520

Example of Complaint Letter

Example of Complaint Letter, 

65 Market Street
Val Haven, CT 95135

June 30, 2004

Customer Service
Cool Sports, LLC
8423 Green Terrace Road
Asterville, WA 65435

Dear Sir or Madam:

I have recently ordered a new pair of soccer cleats (item #6542951) from your website on June 21. I received the order on June 26. Unfortunately, when I opened it, I saw that the cleats were used. The cleats had dirt all over it and there was a small tear in front of the part where the left toe would go. My order number is AF26168156.

To resolve the problem, I would like you to credit my account for the amount charged for my cleats; I have already went out and bought a new pair of cleats at my local sporting goods store so sending another would result in me having two pairs of the same cleats.

Than you for taking the time to read this letter. I have been a satisfied customer of your company for many years and this is the first time I have encountered a problem. If you need to contact me, you can reach me at (555) 555-5555.



Ken Thomas


65 Market Street
Val Haven , CT 95135

30 Juni 2004

Layanan Pelanggan
Cool Sports , LLC
8423 Green Terrace Jalan
Asterville , WA 65435

Dear Bapak atau Ibu :

Saya baru saja memesan sepasang baru cleat sepak bola ( item # 6.542.951 ) dari situs web Anda pada tanggal 21 Juni . Saya menerima perintah pada 26 Juni . Sayangnya, ketika saya membukanya , saya melihat bahwa cleat digunakan . Cleat telah kotoran di atasnya dan ada sobekan kecil di depan bagian di mana kaki kiri akan pergi . Nomor pesanan saya AF26168156 .

Untuk mengatasi masalah ini , saya ingin Anda untuk kredit account saya untuk jumlah yang dibebankan untuk cleat saya, saya sudah pergi dan membeli sepasang baru cleat pada barang olahraga lokal saya sehingga pengiriman toko yang lain akan mengakibatkan saya memiliki dua pasang cleat yang sama .

Daripada Anda telah meluangkan waktu untuk membaca surat ini . Saya telah menjadi pelanggan yang puas perusahaan Anda selama bertahun-tahun dan ini adalah pertama kalinya saya mengalami masalah . Jika Anda perlu menghubungi saya , Anda dapat menghubungi saya di ( 555 ) 555-5555 .

Hormat kami ,

tanda tangan

Ken Thomas

Example of Order Letter

Example of Order Letter,

Harco Mangga Dua 2nd floor no. 08B
March 28, 2013

Mr. John Sanders
Sales Manager
Sigma Corporation,
Kalibata Street

Dear Mr. Sanders,

Please send us one (1) box of 3.5 sony diskettes and (1) 17” red fox monitor, color blue. Terms of payment will be the same as those of our previous orders.
We would appreciate it very much if you could send these items immediately.

Very truly yours,

Ivan Hermawan


Harco Mangga Dua lantai 2 no. 08B

28 Maret 2013

Mr John Sanders
sales Manager
Sigma Corporation,
Kalibata jalan

Dear Mr Sanders,

Silahkan kirim satu (1) kotak 3,5 sony disket dan (1) 17 "red fox Monitor, Warna biru. Ketentuan pembayaran akan sama dengan pesanan kami sebelumnya.
Kami akan sangat menghargai jika Anda bisa mengirim barang-barang segera.

Sangat benar-benar milikmu,

ivan Hermawan

Example of Inquiry Letter

Example of Inquiry Letter,

Letter Head
20 October 2013
Jane Smith, Executive Director
Xavier Foundation
555 S. Smith St.
Washington, D.C. 22222
Dear Ms. Smith,
When we attended the International Electronics Trade Fair in London last month, we visited your stand and saw a very interesting demonstration of your automatic high-security garage doors. The ability to drive straight in and out of your garage from the comfort of your car, as well as your emphasis on theft protection appealed to us. We believe that there is a ready market for this in the United States.
Our company is a wholly owned subsidiary of the international Zetax Corporation, well-known in the security and theft prevention industry.
Would you please send us your current sales literature and price list? Of course, we will be glad to provide the usual credit and trade reverences if we decide to order from your company.
Marketing Director


Kepala Surat
20 October 2013
Jane Smith, Executive Director
Xavier Foundation
555 S. Smith St.
Washington, D.C. 22222
Yth. Ms. Smith,
       Ketika kami menghadiri International Electronics Trade Fair di London pada bulan yang lalu, kami mengunjungi stand anda dan kami sangat tertarik dengan demonstrasi anda tentang automatic high-security garage doors. Kemampuannya mengendalikan langsung pintu garasi anda untuk kenyamanan keluar masuk mobil anda, seperti halnya penekanan anda pada perlindungan pencurian yang tertarik kepada kami. Kami percaya bahwa suatu pasar siap untuk ini di United States.
        Perusahaan kami secara keseluruhan memiliki cabang internasional Zetax Corporation, terkenal dalam keamanan dan industri pencegahan pencurian.
       Akankah anda mengirimkan kami daftar harga dan literatur biaya ini? Tentu saja, kami sangat senang untuk menyediakan kredit yang umum dan suatu penghormatan pada pelanggan jika kami memutuskan untuk memesan dari perusahaan anda.
Hormat kami
Direktur Pemasaran

Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

If You But Knew

 If You But Knew 

If you but knew
How all my days seemed filled with dreams of you;
How sometimes in the silent night
Your eyes thrill through me with their tender light,
How oft I hear your voice when others speak,
How you ‘mid other forms I seek-
Oh, love more real than though such dreams were true
If you but knew… 

Could you but guess
How you alone make all my happiness;
How I am more than willing for your sake
To stand alone, give all, and nothing take,
Nor chafe to think you bound, while I am free,
Quite free, till death to love you silently,
Could you but guess… 

Could you but learn
How when you doubt my truth I sadly yearn
To tell you all, to stand for one brief space,
Unfettered, soul to soul, and face to face,
To crown you king, my king, till life shall end,
My lover and likewise, my truest friend,
Would you love me, dearest, as fondly in return,
Could you but learn? 

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1

Assigment For English Business 1

I.   Business English Letter
    Before writing a business letter should we have to know first the sense of the letter. Letter is a communication that is used to convey information in writing by one party to the other party. In addition we also have to understand the structure of business letter writing, therefore I'm going to make an example the Parts of business letter writing, as follows:

1. Letter Head
    Letter head or so-called letter head, this position is located at the top of the letter containing the company name, phone number, email, and company logo. At the head of this letter is useful to facilitate the recipient knows the identity of the sender of the letter. 

2. Date
     Date on the letter is useful to know when the letter was made, the date is usually located on the upper right, but some are put at the top left. At this date, there are two styles of writing, the British style and American style.

Types of English letter:
   ·    British style: the same writing style as on Indonesia, which begins on the date, month and year.
Example: British style format (Day-Month-Year)
17th december 2012, the british also be in wrote by adding the suffix numbers rise as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc.

 ·   American style: Style in American style of writing is different from the British style, as written starting from writing month, date and year.
American style format (Month-Day-Year)
december 17, 2012.

3. Inside Address
Inside address or the address is usually called, is located at the upper left. In this section useful to write the address to the recipient.

4.  References
Used as archiving or documentation letter sent or received. Usually the posts are underlined.
      Example: Your Ref: YTS/C7, Our Ref: Con/11/7
      Reference is usually written after writing inside address and before the subject.
5.  Subject
Subject commonly called the subject, which shows what the contents of the letter. On business letters, usually placed under the inside address.
                 ·       British style: subject written under the Salutation.
                 ·       American style: Salutation written on the subject.
6. Salutation
     Salutation or greeting is commonly called, is located at the top position before writing the letter, Salutation is useful to write the name of the person or agency name we want to send the letter, but if the recipient is unknown gender, we write salutation with "Dear Dear Sir or Madam ".

Examples of writing : 
·         British style: Dear Sir / Dear Sirs, Dear Madam / Madam.
American style: Gentlemen, Ladies, To whom it may concern

7. Body Of The Letter
     Body of the letter or the letter is commonly called, is located after the opening greeting, the contents of this letter contains the core of the letter, so that contents of this letter should be clear that the subject of the letter recipients can understand the contents of the letter that we wrote. 

8. Complementary Close
   Complementary close or commonly called closing greeting, in this section is located after the body of the letter. In writing this letter, it can be seen an example of complementary close as follows:

For example:
·         American style: Sir, Madam, Gentlemen, Your Obedient Servant, Sincerely Yours.
·        British style: Dear Madam, Dear Sirs, Dear Mr, Dear Miss, Dear Mrs., Mr. David.Yours Sincerely, Sincerely, With Best Wishes.

9. Signature
           In part this is a signature of the sender of the letter, written after the signature is complementary close and located at the bottom right, in addition to containing the sender's signature, the signature must be followed by the full name of the sender.
      10. Enclosure
           Enclosure or common called attachment is located at the lower left, this attachment is used if we include additional documents sent with the letter we sent.
      For example if I want to send the results of a company and it usually is in the attachment.

     11. P.S (Postscript)
          It is advisable to avoid postscript on business english letter and aims to find out who makes the letter, the postscript is located on the bottom left of the letter.

     12. Carbon Copy Notation
          Carbon copy notation or commonly called a copy, which is located in the lower left corner is a copy of the letter, which aims letter was written if there is a third party involved who need to know the contents of the letter.
Writing sample.
cc: Manager.
cc: Director. 

Lanjutan Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1

II. Form and Style Business English Letter
    Is a form of layout or position of the letter parts. Each of the sections that have specific positions according to their functions and roles. In there are various variant wrote a letter, as follows:

                                                                Indented Style

    On the position of the indented style letter letter is similar to the others, it's just on the inside address, subject, references and storied Salutation to the bottom while in the enclosure, postscript and carbon copy notation at the beginning of the writing flat space, so it looks varies.

Full block Style

     Full block style is on the date, inside address, subject, references, Salutation, body of the letter, complementary close, signature, enclosure, ps cc at an early space left flat writing format.

Modified Block Style
      In the modified block style has a shape that is almost the same as the full block style, but what distinguishes the position on a full block style shape is flat on the left side but the date and signature position flush right.

Semi Blok Style
     Semi block style on a shape similar to the modified block style, but the initial space in the body of the letter and the complementary close slightly indented 5 spaces.

Hanging Style

      On hanging this style has a different format from the model - a model that other parts of the letter, which is in the body of the letter and the complementary close, paragraph one and paragraph two, the same average initial spacing between the top and bottom.